Many other projects not shown here
Used technologies :
C, C++, Java, PHP, CSS, XHTML, JavaScript (AJAX), Ruby on Rails, Wordpress, Pascal.
Projects introduction :
I am constantly looking for new knowledge and challenges, there is a couple of projects that I worked on or I will work on which can't be shown here.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of them :
- A YouTube®-like server handling multiple parallel clients and videos by clients using TCP and UDP.
- A word decomposer and cross-references search algorithm in C/C++.
- A Real Time Strategy (RTS) Game including cooperative pathfinding with A* + Jump Point Search.
- A conflict detector in a Question/Answer tree based on inclusion/exclusions lists in Java.
- A pathfinder using Dijkstra in Java.
- A PHP-FPM Patch (in C) to allow user to specify a global limit for the number of processes through all pools. State : Done, waiting for release to the community.
- "Ondemand" mode in PHP-FPM (cf. Google)
- Electronic wind vane : Project in C and with and electronics part to make a wind vane able to indicate with a precision of less than one degree the direction of the wine, with only simple components and a specific potentiometer (3-ways infinite potentiometer, that let us calculate the exact position through a mathematical algorithm applied to the 3 generated voltages).
- Computer help center in Java : Providing most useful tools and access to some "problems-solutions database" online through a simple interface.
- Computer issues helper : Large projects of providing an online tools that let you specify the issue you have with your computer without knowing even how to describe it. Aimed to let people with nearly no computer knowledge access the online help they could have access to if they were to know how to describe their issue on an online mutual aid forum.
- Management of a prototype-vehicle with a PIC : to complicated to explain it !
- Many other tiny programs in Pascal during my computer course time.
- Cross-platform (Android / iPhone / BlackBerry / Windows Phone) mobile application related to the NetTogether association (work in progress, using Rhodes Rhomobile Framework).
- And everything else I forgot to mention here...