

logo INSA NetTogether: The web, together NetTogether is a French 1901 law association (Non-Profit Organisation) founded by me and two other webmasters.
The idea of the NPO is to manage online mutual-aid communities and organise in real life events related to them.
I am currently the president of the association and am thus in charge of managing it globally. I am also the main developper / webmaster as well as article writer, forum helper and moderator, server administrator, etc. ... I basically have every possible role.
logo Passau Cod'INSA Programming Challenge Cod'INSA is a NPO which is aimed to organize, once a year, an inter-INSA (5 French universities) programming contest.
I am in charge of the management of what happens at Lyon and the development lead.
logo Passau GPL : Free Pingouins Group The Free Pingouins Group (GPL in French) is a NPO whose role is to advertise free and open source software (FOSS) culture on the INSA Of Lyon campus.
I am currently the treasurer of the association participate in organizing events like conferences, workshops, install-parties...